Titan Audio Nyx Mains Block
The Nyx Block has been revolutionised, and incorporates more of our latest R&D that has been seen in our new cable range. Externally the new Nyx block features brand new isolation feet, created form materials which can also be fund in bulletproof jackets. This not only improves the rigidity of the block, but offers sonic improvements, thanks to the materials improved isolation properties. This comes in the from of increased flexibility allowing vibrations to be absorbed and neutralised. Furthermore, the isolation of the blocks body is further enhanced thanks to a subtle but noticeable improvement in the isolation foots design.
Internally the Nyx blocks incorporates its fully hard wired design, with each socket being independently wired which the same cable found in the Nyx Mains Cables. The key factor which makes this stand out from the blocks, is there is no loss of current from one end of the block to the other, meaning each piece of equipment benefits from this improved power delivery regardless of its placement in the block. Many other blocks use a bus bar systems, which drops current as it travels up the block, meaning your equipment plugged it at the furthest socket, is not benefiting in any way.
In a similar fashion to all Titan Audio mains blocks, and following on from our own philosophy on mains cable and block design, the Nyx block allows for any mains cable to be used to power it, giving customers their own choice of cable, as well as an upgrade path without the need to change your mains block.
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